Appium is an open source mobile UI testing framework that is available for free distribution. Appium offers automation testing on both physical devices and emulators or simulators, as well as native, hybrid, and web applications. It provides cross-platform application testing, meaning that a single API may be used by test scripts for both the Android and iOS platforms.
At 3SD Solutions, we offer Appium Testing services that help you ensure the quality of your mobile applications.

Appium Testing Services Include
Achieve faster time-to-market for your mobile apps
Ensure consistent and reliable app performance across multiple devices and platforms
Identify and fix bugs and issues before releasing the app
Improve overall app quality and user experience
At 3SD Solutions, we customize our Appium Testing services to suit your specific needs, ensuring that your mobile app meets all functional and non-functional requirements. Our experienced testers follow a systematic approach to identify potential issues and address them promptly, enabling you to release high-quality mobile apps that delight your users.
Extensive Experience in Appium Testing
Appium is an open-source tool that automates mobile app testing on both iOS and Android platforms, allowing you to run tests on real devices, emulators, and simulators. Our team of experts uses Appium to automate functional, performance, and compatibility testing of mobile apps, reducing manual efforts and increasing test coverage.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our Appium Testing services and how we can help you optimize your mobile app testing process.

The capabilities of Appium include: testing the Web; providing cross-platform for native and hybrid mobile automation; supporting the JSON wire protocol; not requiring the app to be recompiled; supporting automation tests on physical devices as well as similar or emulator both; and not being dependent on mobile devices.
It paves the way for cross-platform mobile testing, which means the same test will run on different platforms and for programmers, regardless of the platform they are automating (Android or iOS), all the complexity will remain under a single Appium server.Appium can automate hybrid, web, and native mobile applications without adding any additional components to your project.
It uses UIAutomator for Android Automation, which only supports Android SDK platform, API 16 or higher, and to support the previous API's they have utilised another open source library called Selendroid. Running scripts on several iOS simulators at once is possible with Appium. Android versions lower than 4.2 cannot be tested with Appium. Limited assistance for testing hybrid apps. Microsoft Windows cannot run Appium Inspector.
Driver Client
Appium acts as the user-like driver for mobile applications. Your Appium tests are written using a client library, which encapsulates your test steps and communicates them over HTTP to the Appium server.
Appium Session
Because the Appium test is run within the session, you must first initialise the session. After one session, the automation can be terminated and left to wait for another.
Desired Capabilities
You must define some characteristics to start an Appium session. It details the type of automation that must be provided by the Appium server.
Driver Commands
You can use a sizable and rich vocabulary of commands to write your test steps.